
October 28, 2018

Carbon Steel GS-45

DIN 1681: GS-45 Carbon Steel

Casting grades: GS 38

Metal Type: Carbon Steels

Casting Process: Sand Casting or Lost Wax Precision Investment Casting

Standard: DIN 1681, was replaced by EN 10293-2015;

Werkstoff nummer: 1.0446

Alternating  Steel Grade: ISO3755 230-450 ; GBT11352 ZG230-450; ASTM A27 450-240; BS3100 AM2; EN10293 GE240; JIS5101 SC450; ГОСТ 977 25Л

Heat treatment: Nomalizing or austeritizing at 900 to 980 °C.

The right description is CAST STEEL DIN 1681 GS-38 or CAST STEEL DIN 1681-1.0446

Steel GradeMaterial NumberCarbon %Manganese %Silicon %P %S %Cr  %Mo %Ni %V %Cu %

The proportion of carbon by mass determined in the cast analysis, and also in the product analysis, at the points intended for fabrication welds shall not exceed 0.25% for cast steel grade GS-38 and GS-45.

Steel GradeMaterial NumberHeat TreatmentReduction of area after fracture %Tensile Strength

Rm Mpa

Upper Yield  Rp0.2,  MpaElongation after fracture (L0=5 d0)

% A

Impact Strength



1. The testing ambient room temperature.
2. 1MPa=1 N/mm2
3. “+N” means: Normalizing;  +QT or +QT1 or +QT2 means: Quenching(air or liquid) and Tempering.
4. The Yield strength values at room temperature to 0.2% proof strength.
5. The value for Reduction are not relevant for acceptance.
6. Inspact determined from three individual values in each case.

Steel GradeMaterial numberMinimum magnetic 2.5kA/mMinimum magnetic 5.0kA/mMinimum magnetic 10.0kA/m

1. Magnetic properties by agreement at the inquiry and order only.

EN 10293:2015, Steel Castings for general engineering uses

  is the newest revision for generally casting material.

Previous Editions:

  • DIN 1681: 1924-04, 1929-07, 1942xx-03, 1967-06, 1985-06
  • DIN 17182: 1985-06, 1992-05
  • DIN 17205: 1992-04
  • DIN EN 10293:2005
  • DIN EN 10293 Corrigendum 1: 2008-09
  • BS3100: 1991

Metal Castings

Ductile Iron Spindle Housing Casting
Stainless Steel Pump Impellers
Carbon Steel ,

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