December 24, 2009

Investment Casting Process

Investment  casting( precision casting, also named lost wax casting ) is an advanced metalforming process used to produce metal parts of the highest quality, functionality and cost-effectiveness. Investment  casting( precision casting) is a one-to-one process in which one disposable pattern produces one metal part. When combined with modern production knowledge and technologies, Investment  casting( precision casting) can be applied to produce parts of varying degrees of complexity, in virtually any volume and for the broadest possible spectrum of applications.

A highly versatile casting process, Investment  casting( precision casting) has for some time been perceived as a comparatively expensive process. But when compared to alternative processes which require extensive welding or machining, an investment cast component can often dramatically reduce overall part production costs.

Investment  casting( precision casting), which is also known as the “lost wax casting ” process, traces its roots to the Sang Dynasty in China from 1766 B.C. to 1122 B.C. The method was brought into modern industrial use when American manufacturers applied Precision Casting( ) to make high quality military parts during World War II. It was found practical for many wartime needs – and during the postwar period it expanded into many non-aircraft applications. Today, Investment  casting( precision casting) is recognized and used worldwide as a technique for producing close-tolerance metal parts at highly competitive costs.

When performed by experienced and knowledgeable casting specialists, Investment  casting( precision casting):

  • Allows greater design freedom for very simple to highly complex parts
  • Provides superior repeatability
  • Can utilize a wide variety of alloys
  • Yields lighter, stronger metal parts with superior finishes
  • Reduces labor, tooling and machining costs
  • Allows very rapid prototype development

Of course, Investment  casting( precision casting) is not the appropriate process for every metal part requirement. However, for many challenging part applications, Investment  casting( precision casting) offers a proven and cost-effective metalforming solution.

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