Inquiry & FAQ

Thank you for interesting to our company, You can reach us by {skypebt}

You also can  leave the details in following form, we will keep contact with you ASAP.

Kindly remind:

The inquiries must be include Unit Weight, Material and Quantity, then we can give you competitive quotation. Thank you again.

[contact-form 1 “Contact form 1”]

  • Question: Where are your company located in?

Answer: We are located in Qingdao city,  Shandong Province, China. Maybe you know Qingdao Beer, welcome to Qingdao!

  • Question: Are you manufacturer?

Answer: Yes, we are professional manufacturer of metal castings, our foundry mainly make iron and steel castings by ourselves. But some alloy parts are sourced from other factories too!

  • Question: Which casting process are the best  in your company ?

Answer: Sand Casting and investment casting process. The permanent mold casting, low pressure casting and die casting are also available.

  • Question: Which material can you cast?

Answer: Cast grey iron, ductile iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, aluminum, bronze and others. Pls visit Material List for more information.

  • Question: Which software for design in your company ?

Answer: Mainly SolidWorks and AutoCAD, but we also use Pro/E and UG. Sometimes we wish to get the drawings of IGS/STEP types!

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